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Riding the Rollercoaster: Why I Don’t Worry About Short Term Swings in the Stock Market

Posted by on 3:49 PM in Investing | 0 comments

The performance of the market over the last few days has heightened many people’s anxiety about whether the stock market is due for a major correction. For many, the memory of 2008/2009 lingers. No one can really predict if and when a major correction will occur, but anyone invested for the long term, who has a well-diversified portfolio with low fees, should be fine. In this blog I will walk through how I think about stock market risk and returns. It is important to understand the difference between volatility and risk as applies to the...

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How Understanding Industry Changes Can Help You Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Posted by on 7:01 PM in General | 0 comments

 I recently upgraded my cell phone and discovered a lot has changed in the cell phone marketplace over the last couple of years. In this month’s blog I’m sharing some strategies to help keep your overall cost down. I will start with the traditional two year contract. The way these contracts work is that the wireless carriers provide an upfront subsidy on the phone and in return require a two year contract. For example, a new phone might cost $600 but you will only be charged $200. That $400 subsidy provided by the carrier is an expense for...

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The Danger of Lifestyle Creep

Posted by on 7:00 PM in Retirement | 0 comments

If you won’t be collecting a traditional pension and must rely on a combination of social security and a 401K/IRA portfolio to fund your retirement, you’ll want to be very conscious of both your pre-retirement spending and the size of your portfolio so you can support that level of spending after retirement. I am focusing this blog on the danger of lifestyle creep because the current level of spending has a significant impact on both the ability to save pre-retirement and the level of spending needed during retirement to maintain a lifestyle...

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Strategies to Supplement a 529 for College Savings

Posted by on 5:10 PM in College | 0 comments

For the most part, 529 plans are a great vehicle for saving for college but there is one potential pitfall: if the funds are not ultimately used for college expenses, significant tax consequences could result. Thus I often advise my clients who are establishing a college savings plan to consider other sources of funds to supplement a 529 plan. For those not familiar, 529 plans were authorized by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to provide a tax advantaged savings vehicle for higher education. With a 529 plan you...

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Pros and Cons of Rolling a 401K/403B to an IRA

Posted by on 9:17 AM in Retirement | 0 comments

One question many folks have when leaving a job is what to do with their 401K/403B. It most instances rolling over your 401K to an IRA makes the most sense, but in some situations the better option is to keep the money in your current 401K or roll the money into a 401K at your new company. Taxes work for a 401K/403B plan the same as for a traditional or rollover IRA. You put money in pre-tax, the earnings grow tax deferred, and you pay taxes on any amount withdrawn. While the taxation rules are the same, some of the features of the various...

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Why Most People Should Delay Collecting Social Security Until Age 70

Posted by on 4:23 PM in Retirement | 0 comments

In the financial advisory world, too much emphasis is often placed on the investment side of the conversation and not enough on issues like when to start collecting Social Security, which can have a significant impact on the potential success of a client’s retirement.     The decision on when to begin collecting Social Security is one where I find a great divide between what is in the best financial interest for most people and what they are inclined to do. The government provides a great incentive to delay collecting on Social...

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Paying for Your Health Insurance through COBRA? Visit before February 15

Posted by on 8:29 AM in Risk Management | 0 comments

In my financial planning practice I spend a fair amount of time with people in a job transition. Recently I have spoken with a few people who pay for their health insurance through COBRA, not realizing that they could potentially save hundreds of dollars a month in premiums by obtaining subsidized policies from the government’s health care exchange. You are allowed to purchase a plan on the affordable care act exchange and qualify for a subsidy even if COBRA is available to you.  In addition, if you live in a state that expanded...

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Why I Believe in Investing in Treasury Bonds and Not Corporate Bonds

Posted by on 2:16 PM in Investing | 0 comments

I am going to start out by explaining exactly what a bond is for those who are not familiar with bonds and how they work. Bonds reflect money that a company or governmental entity borrows to finance some activity. The lender (investor) provides a lump sum of cash to the borrower and in return receives semi-annual interest payments for the term of the bond. The lump sum is returned to the investor when the bond expires. The rate of return is fixed assuming the investor holds the bond through maturity and is able to reinvest the interest...

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Do Annuities Ever Make Sense in a Retirement Portfolio?

Posted by on 12:16 PM in Investing | 0 comments

In my opinion, the answer to the question “Do Annuities Ever Make Sense in a Retirement Portfolio?” is “Yes – In Certain Situations.” In its simplest form an annuity is a contract between an individual and an insurance company.  The individual gives the insurance company a lump sum of cash and the insurance company agrees to provide a fixed stream of payments to the individual for the rest of their life.  Whether that contract ends up being a good “investment” for the individual depends on how long they live. Those who die sooner than...

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Year End Tax Strategies for Those Who Had a Job Transition

Posted by on 5:13 PM in Taxes | 0 comments

Those who experience a job transition (voluntary or involuntary) often have annual income levels that can vary significantly during the transition period.  The income fluctuations can be caused by severance payments, accrued vacation payouts, deferred compensation payouts, signing bonuses as well as a reduction in income if a new job is not secured immediately. This fluctuation in income from one year to the next can create tax planning opportunities that would not exist if income was steady year to year because of shifts in tax brackets.  ...

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